材料 ingredients :
250gm 牛油 butter
60gm 幼糖 castor sugar
40gm 糖粉 icing sugar
100gm 黑芝麻粉 black sesame seeds powder
250gm面粉 plain flour
做法 method:
- 预热烤炉,准备一个铺上矽胶纸的烤盘.Preheat oven. Line baking tray with silicon paper.
- 牛油加入幼糖和糖粉拌打至松软.Cream butter, castor sugar & icing sugar untill fluffy.
- 加入其余的材料拌均成团即可.Add in the remaining ingredients and mix into dough.
- 将粉团搓成每份约7gm的小圆球,排入铺了烘焙纸的烘盘上 (p/s : 我用挤花袋挤在小纸杯里) Scale the dough at 7 gm each rounded portion. Arrange on lined baking trays.
- 送入预热烤箱150度烤35分钟,取出待凉,收入不透风罐子. Bake in the preheat oven at 150C for 35 minutes or lightly browned. Cool well before storage.